Online Quote Approval

Send your quotes out online and wait for client approval.

Current RMS allows you to get online quotes approved in an instant

By sending your quotes out online, you are not only speeding up the quotation process but also giving your customers the ability to instantly access these from any location and select whether they; accept, decline or add comments on this quote to send back to Current RMS.

Here are some other key benefits of the Online Quote Approval:

  • Keep everyone in the loop - Regardless of what your customer decides to do with the quote, all actions are emailed to all those involved with the proposal, making sure all of your staff are kept up to date at all times, improving your customer response rates.
  • Keep track of all quotes - See the date the quote was produced, number of times it’s been viewed and when the last time was, giving you insight into how keen your customers are, so you know when to follow this up.
  • Create custom fields on your quotes - You can easily create custom fields within Current RMS so that your customers are ticking the necessary boxes and filling in the necessary information upon accepting the quote, helping create a smooth setup and event e.g who’s the main contact?

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